Book a Celebrity Speaker for Your Next Event…

Renowned for its bespoke service, “Look Who’s Talking” excels in matching top-tier public speakers with a diverse array of events, including corporate conferences, charity functions, award ceremonies, and private dinners. The agency is dedicated to delivering engaging and impactful speakers tailored to the unique needs and themes of each event​.

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Featured Speakers

Sir Clive Woodward

Former England Rugby player and World Cup Winning coach


Martin Johnson CBE

Former England Rugby Player and World Cup Winning Captain


Lawrence Dallaglio OBE

Former England Rugby Player and World Cup Winner


Jonny Wilkinson CBE

Former England Rugby Player and World Cup Winner


Sports Speakers

Look Who’s Talk­ing will be pleased to make rec­om­men­da­tions on Sports Speak­ers who can hold an audi­ence with amus­ing anec­dotes and inter­est­ing sport­ing experiences.

Our Sports Speakers

Motivational Speakers

What­ev­er their suc­cess sto­ry, it is vital that speak­ers get their mes­sage across to the audi­ence with a moti­va­tion­al and lead­er­ship mes­sage. Look Who’s Talk­ing can pro­vide many speak­ers whose inspi­ra­tion, courage, deter­mi­na­tion and achieve­ments will moti­vate busi­ness audiences.

Our Motivational Speakers

After Dinner Speakers

Look Who’s Talk­ing after din­ner speak­ers can pro­vide excel­lent after din­ner enter­tain­ment across the full range of din­ners from cor­po­rate hos­pi­tal­i­ty to sport­ing func­tions and awards evenings to char­i­ty balls.

Our After Dinner Speakers

Comic Speakers

In the major­i­ty of cas­es a suc­cess­ful din­ner is round­ed off with a good com­ic and Look Who’s Talk­ing can sup­ply every sort of com­ic for any type of event.

Our Comic Speakers

Diversity Speakers

Transform your events with our Diversity public speakers, who inspire inclusivity and innovation through powerful, real-world insights. Engage your audience with compelling stories that drive positive change and foster a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. Book now to create impactful, memorable experiences.

Our Diversity Speakers

Mental Wellbeing Speakers

Boost your event with our Mental Well-Being public speakers, who deliver expert insights and practical strategies for fostering mental health and resilience. Engage your audience with compelling stories and actionable advice that promote well-being and productivity. Book now to inspire positive change and create a supportive, thriving environment.

Our Mental Wellbeing Speakers

Mindfulness Speakers

Enhance your event with our Mindfulness public speakers, who offer transformative insights and techniques for stress reduction and enhanced focus. Engage your audience with practical, actionable strategies to cultivate mindfulness and improve overall well-being. Book now to inspire a calmer, more productive environment and lasting positive change.

Our Mindfulness Speakers